Monday, November 7, 2011

Where Is My Girlie Side?

I know where it's gone, actually. It took a turn South one year, many moons ago, and got caught up and squelched in independence, self-reliance and the trials and tribulations of just day to day living in the life of a young single girl trying to find her way in the world.

I love this blogging thing, but it also seems like every blog I explore is written by someone pretty/attractive/beautiful/has it all together and they have professional photos on their pages and their homes are all absolutely beautiful/clean/organized and their children are so cute/smart and well dressed. Sometimes I feel like I fall behind or I'm missing something somewhere...did I miss the classes "Pretty 101" and "You Can Cook and Stay Slender 101", "How to be Barbie-Like in a Modern World" , "Dress Pretty for Under $100 a year!" ? How about "Look Like You Go To The Salon-Without Spending Money!" and "Wear Clothes That Can NEVER Get Stained!" and "Complete Self-Acceptance 101" would be the first classes I would sign up for at the Free College down the street, BUT THERE ISN'T ONE!

Okay, so I'm feeling sorry for myself. And honestly, I have no right to. I am blessed more than some people see in their lifetime-I have a wonderful Godly husband of 11 years, two lights-of-my-life boys, a roof over my head, food to eat, a warm place to sleep, a bed, a soft pillow,  a blanket if I need it. I have family that loves and takes care of me and would do anything at any time, should I need them. I have a paid for vehicle that runs, most of the time, and two adoring dogs....but then again, all dogs adore if allowed and not mistreated!

This is Laddie-Boy, my Sheltie- I call him "Yap-A-Licious"!

We are also blessed with our German Shepherd, D.C. He is THE best watch dog in the whole world! I will post a pic of him soon. It's not that I don't have one, I just have to download it on here and edit it, first.

Isn't he beautiful? It's too bad he has problems. Destruction. Believes to still be a puppy. Life-long occupation to pee on whatever Laddie Boy pees on, and then some. Terrified of fireworks, gunshots and thunder. He is also very environmentally friendly-he has a HATRED OF PLASTIC. But one heck of a guard dog. I have rescued him from the Humane Society. They wouldn't even bring him to me-they thought he was some business' guard dog and very dangerous. I would be, too, if cornered and tazed....
I admit I have a love/hate relationship with him. He is my husband's dream dog but I made sure I was the one ready to have the extra responsibility....any other Moms out there with me?

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